🌞This is the ‘Digital Garden’ for Light Forest, an experimental space to bring more Light into how we live and regenerate the planet.

This space is designed to function as a ‘digital garden’, designed to capture my own explorations through the forest. This includes my own analyses and opinion, as well as links to resources and work that resonates with this space.

You may find a mix of research and analyses based writing, authentic personal reflections, and less polished, ideas and speculations that are still raw and have yet to be fully fleshed out.

🎮How to navigate

🧭 Compass = protocols to navigate as explorers in the forest

These are ways of living that embody ‘bring more Light’ through ways of experience, being, and knowing deep in the body.

ᛦRoots = concepts and frameworks for Light Forest

🌳Trunks = economic, political, social, technological governance systems pertaining to 1 or more root

🌿Leaves = explaining a concept related to one or more trunk

🌻Flower = applications, case studies, experiments

🍌Fruit = projects that have emerged from the garden

The protocols include specific practises that can be followed by anyone


🌱 Seedling for early stage, raw ideas or provocations i’m developing

🌿 Budding for work thats somewhat developed

🧭 Compass





